the ‘Legend’ continues….

I have decided to call this series ‘Legend’.

#1 (SOLD)

Feb 14© Reina Cottier Art

here is #2 (SOLD)

 Legend #2© Reina Cottier Art 2014

#3 (SOLD)
 Legend #3© Reina Cottier Art 2013

#4 (SOLD)


© Reina Cottier Art 2014

#5 (in progress)

Legend #5cropped close up…..

Legend #5© Reina Cottier Art 2014

Quite a  few people have asked me lately “Where can I buy your art?”
All of my sales are usually finalised on my FB art page Reina Cottier Art. >>>>>>

see right at the top of that side column there. >>>>   and/or below left  for link.

this is where I post all my progress shots from the beginning, you can chat to me about my paintings, and ask any questions, Im  always there, interacting with everyone, love it. 🙂

February 2014

Feb 14          ©Reina Cottier Art 2014

hey all, been a while huh… Ive had 9 weeks off painting because we moved house & towns,

we now live by the beach, a beautiful coastal town with the back drop of mountains covered in native bush… so so so happy here……

and then it was summer school holidays for 6 weeks here in New Zealand 🙂 Absolutely no painting gets done with kids around, 🙂

So, the above painting is  (finished and sold) one of the first I have done this last week.

Decided to kick of the year with a blast of colour and i have to say I love it.

Feb 18

©Reina Cottier Art 2014

this one is also finished, (and sold),


The 3 below are all in progress 🙂 so I have been busy, and as usual have about 7 paintings on the go at once

which is the only way I can work.

Feb 15

Feb 17

Feb 19

I have no plans in store for my art this year, other than to keep producing paintings that

make me feel good. Being by the sea is so much better for my soul/creativity.

Nothing finished, 3 more started….

I got 3 more commissions this week, AND had already started some other paintings, for fun, so I have a whole pile of unfinished art at the moment, and lots of ‘endings’ to do. It IS like a story, a beginning a middle and an end. They are all calling out to me, and time is just not stretching far enough at the moment. Doesn’t help  that i decided to spend 2 weeks celebrating my birthday , and it doesn’t help that I have had the most ridiculous chest infection that has amounted to nothing and something all at the same time- *sigh*. just this silly little ‘cough, cough’ every 2 minutes, grrrr! Its FINALLY exiting my system, so next week (let s just relax this weekend with lots of lying around doing nothing- something Im not very proficient at) I will be back into it, fully committed and CREATIVELY OFF THE PLANET!

Painting for fun #1 below: (not finished)

(c) Reina Cottier

#2 is a similar one to another I did about a month ago and it sold before it was finished, I enjoyed it so much I did another one: (unfinished)

#3 Going back to my basics and REALLY happy to be doing that, finding myself again with my shapes and tones and shades, …makes me feel good: (unfinished)

There are more, but I dont want to overload the senses lol!

So I have 5 or 6 commissions to complete, ive now lost count, but never fear, I have it written down somewhere, and actually will refer to it at some point. The commisions I am doing are really exciting for me because they are people who I know well, and there is an ease and a flow about creating something for someone when you have that connection.

Next blog post will hopefully be some finished works!


2011- Reina Cottier Art -Venus sky

Acrylic on Canvas board– © Reina Cottier and Reina Cottier NZ Artist, 2011.

LOVE this!!! Did the background months ago, and knew it wasn’t complete, but had to wait and feel the right thing to go with it, had no idea what it was going to be till it just happened. The cord flowed around on the canvas board like magic, it was painted and finshed after that, in about an hour.

There is a softness, yes strength i was attempting to convey, I hope i have achieved this. 🙂

2011- Reina Cottier Art – Angelic flow

Acrylic on Canvas- © Reina Cottier and Reina Cottier NZ Artist, 2011.