
Custom Soul Expression – your channeled artwork

Hello & welcome…

Would you like a bespoke artwork that is unique to you, your Soul Expression- in a Channeled Painting?

I am now offering “Your Soul Expression” commissions.

The Journey Begins– After connecting with you, and talking, this may require several conversations, I gather some essential info/ elements that will be included in your personalised artwork. I then, sit with this for a bit & start to get a feeling for a concept… I will then, intuitively create your piece over a few weeks. I combine your own energy with what I am led to create as I paint ‘in the moment’.

This can include, marks, symbols, faces, nature, animals, stars, planets and more, it’s limitless.

Examples of things you may like to include…
Up to 3 favourite colours that speak to your soul
Birds, nature , ocean, or something that is important to you/your history/ your story…

The Magic– The fewer ‘things/info ‘ I have the better I can be free without limitation to tap into that place where the visions / knowings come easily & clearly.

You receive– Your bespoke artwork on a canvas, stretched over a wooden frame, wired, ready to hang. It is signed by me, and dated on the back…. Also…

My gift to you– you will also receive your choice of Guidance Cards (either English or Te Reo Māori) or, an A3 photocard print of your choice of my images.

I would be honoured to connect with you, and to start the journey of your soul expression in an art form.

Please either message me using the contact button with any queries & I would love to chat with you about the next steps…. or go here to my online shop for more info…

(please note: I have very limited spaces per year for this type of work, and it can take up to 3 months to complete).

Many thanks

Reina x


Meditation Series 2020

I started meditating in March 2020. Not long after I started, (literally days,)
I started painting this series,
and seems as though I cant paint anything else
until this is out of my system.

At this stage of my art journey, I am very happy to go with the flow and allow what wants to be without trying to over commit to creating anything, or any subject, or go with something that is not flowing happily.
In other words, Im in a space of total allowance these days… only that which brings me joy or not at all. 🙂

Most of these have sold, but there are a couple available,
if interested, please use the Contact button in Menu and message me details.



I’m Back! – Updates June 2017

Hi all,
back from holiday, went to Peru for a couple of weeks, including a few days in the Amazon/Jungle, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca and La Paz, Bolivia. INCREDIBLE trip, epic adventure!

Here is a short vid of updates. Ive been painting for a few days, showing latest work, mediums used and mentioning the fabulous brushes I bought last year, and now on my second set.



PERU & BOLIVIA- art inspiration

I have just returned from 2 weeks in Peru, and 2 days in Bolivia. An epic adventure, non stop experiences, a visual feast, awesome people, not really adequate words available to describe the experience, or feeling one has whilst there. Vibrancy, depth, history, passion, sacred, ancient, connected, energy… it was a once in a lifetime journey, I will never forget.  Cant wait to start painting, and see what evolves.

Whitianga Art Centre Exhibition -feature artist…

I was honoured to be asked to be feature artist at the Whitianga Art Centre Annual Exhibtion for the month of January 2016.

Already sold 4 🙂 so feeling pleased with how it is going. For any New Zealanders reading this, the Srt Centre is on School Rd, at the end of the street. Exhibition runs for the month of January.


Band of Gold- Commission process….

Ive started a commission for a lady, and she asked if this piece could be inspired/influenced/reflect one of her blog entries, ‘Band of Gold’. When I first read it, and about her, I was felt like I could have been energetically reading myself. We are very alike in many ways… naturally this has helped the whole process along beautifully. Im letting you all into a part of my process that I havent detailed in words before, because there are many relevant aspects to this painting and it gives you an insight as to my process, thought and intuitive feeling pattern. So Im including the blog entry for those who wish to read it,  and an explanation of what I have painted so far. Bearing in mind, there are only the bones of the painting there at the moment, the white is merely the outlines of my colouring/detailing to come…altho some white will stay, Ill know that once I start ‘filling in’ my piece some more.
Here is her blog:

Band of Gold.

“There is no better feeling than knowing that where you are, is where you are supposed to be. I have had many moments through out my life when I have truly known that at that moment I was right on track. One of those moments happened while I was working on a sailboat named “Pentoga”, a little harbor 54, down in the islands. The name Pentoga is the name of an indian chiefs wife, from the Ojibwa tribe.

The captain and myself were sailing the owner and his wife from St Martin to the British Virgin Islands. We went through the the Anegada Passage from St Martin to Virgin Gorda. Now if we were going the other way it would be called the Oh-My Godda Passage due to the way the currents converge in that area with wind and swells it can be very nasty if you have to go the other way.

Luckily for the owners sake it was a smooth sail as the wind and seas were following. It truly made for an awesome sail. We were sailing at night and the captain and I took three hour watches. It was a crystal clear night, not a cloud in the sky. It will go down as one of the more memorable sails for me. It was the night I married myself to the sea.

I was up on deck on my watch, sometime in the middle of the night. The warmth of the night air and salt water on my skin felt so comforting. I was listening to the rush of water on the hull of the boat as the wind and waves were pushing us through the sea with ease. There was so much beauty and so much power, the feeling was unforgettable. At the time I was wearing a gold wedding band that my mother gave to me from her first marriage.

While that marriage didn’t last I knew in my heart that gold band could be used to represent something bigger than a failed marriage. To me the sea represents freedom, life, love and adventure. It is all knowing and powerful. It can carry you along in its loving embrace or it can pick you up and flick you across its body for miles like the little speck that you are. I love what it represents and I want the sea to always be a part of who I am.

So on this magical night I sat up on the deck of this sailboat in the middle of the Caribbean and married myself to the sea. I used the gold band as an offering and made promise to always respect, love and honor what the sea is to me. In turn it will always take care of me, even in the worst of storms I will always be protected.

Ive only told a few people about this moment, until now. I share it with you because its a part of who I am. Not everyone understands that to throw a gold ring in the sea means more than the value of the ring itself. Just like a marriage its about the pact, the promise to honor and respect that one that you made the pact with. I find my peace in the salt water and feel like its a part of me forever.

There are no words to describe the comfort it brings me to be in its embrace, no matter what part of the world I am in. It will most probably be my most profound love in this life. So as I am now so far away from where I made this pact, I find myself dreaming about this moment and planning my way back to my comfortable place. The home in my heart I call the sea.”

The painting so far:
Okay so the sun/moon, can be either. Moon representing the night on the boat. The sun representing Leo – her star sign, ruled by the sun -and the colours of Leo. The nautical feel of the sacred geometry around it again representing being at sea and just the whole connection to the cosmos universe etc…. and then we have the wave or the boat. Predominately a wave /sea of course, or It can also represent a boat as well, the bow of the boat rising up on a wave. Bottom centre-left sweeping up you will see the symbol for the feminine, (my client), lying on back going upwards left into the symbol for Leo wrapped in what will be a band of gold, and the ring encompassing the wave, so they are intertwined for ever. It will be a very subtle soft yellow, almost opaque in places, not a predominant bright band of bright yellow.
All the other symbols and patterns are just what I have intuitively drawn on for the feel of the whole painting. As I said, loads of colour and detailing to do yet, this is just the start.

Band of Gold

©Reina Cottier Art.

thanks all, have a great day!
if you want to catch up with more if what im doing on a daily basis, its all happening over on ym FB art page,
youll fond the link in the column on the right there, at the top. 🙂

Painted Mannequin Torso

Finally was able to finish one of many mannequin torsos!
very happy with the outcome and sold to a regular buyer in Australia.
Much more difficult to paint fine smooth lines on this surface,
so this took alot longer than I normally would to paint something similar on canvas.
I have more to paint, and Im looking forward to experimenting with feathers and other things!

©Reina Cottier Art

torso 1

torso 2

torso 3

as always, for any queries, or commission questions, pls contact me at:

Tribal Goddess Series

Goddess #3

©Reina Cottier Art 2014

I never know if one painting is going to become a series, until its finished and I feel there is something else inside of me.

This was the case with this series of lovelies.

They emerged / revealed themselves to me over the last couple of months, its been a total pleasure

Tribal Moon Goddess

©Reina Cottier Art 2014

Healing Goddess final sig

©Reina Cottier Art 2014

there are a couple more in progress, I will load them up when they are finished.

EDIT: added pic

Moon Goddess

Lotus Paintings

 In Progress:

Been wanting to include a lotus in a painting for a while,

but again, needed to wait until it felt right, and again, not wanting it to look like  a ‘real lotus’,…

so Reina-fied these 2 and managed to start a couple of paintings that I am REALLY enjoying…..

July 11 sig©Reina Cottier Art 2014
In progress

both SOLD.


“10 Exciting Artists…” …and I’m one of them! has featured me as one of ’10 Exciting Artists & Why They Create Art”

I am totally honored to be a amonst such amazing artists, really appreciative of Graham Matthew and his awesome website which is an invaluable tool for any artist, I highly recommend it. While you are there have a good look around, some awesome articles and tips for all artists.  See article in link below:

oh and finished this commission (to Oz):

(c) Reina Cottier Art 2012

REALLY happy with this. Its for a lovely lady who already has a few of my pieces and wanted this to compliment another of mine, both in her bedroom. 🙂 how appreciative an I??!

Lots of repeat work for the same people, its so great developing that relationship, that is the reward for sure.

Im keeping my own projects going at the same time though, this is what keeps the flow going, when i have some things that are free reign, alongside the commissions, which still come form within me,  and Im so lucky that my commissions are all from people who want me to go for it with my spin on it. Fantastic.

Posted to Arizona/USA and KIama(Australia) yesterday,, after the school holidays I have one going to Holland and several more to Oz.  LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is good.
